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Lee-on-the-Solent Infant and Nursery School

LEAP to success at Lee!

Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?


The Pupil Premium is an amount of money that is given to a school from the Government to help disadvantaged children.  The Pupil Premium is intended to benefit the children who are eligible, helping to narrow the gap between them and their classmates.  


This started in 2011 and has continued ever since because research shows that children from low income families perform less well at school than children who are not from low income families. 


Which children receive the Pupil Premium?


We receive the Pupil Premium if a child meets any of the following requirements:


  • The child qualifies for free-school meals now or has qualified for them in the past 6 years - we receive £1,345 per year for each of these children;
  • The child has been looked after under local authority care for more than one day - we receive £2,345 per year for each of these children; or,
  • The child is from a service family who receive a child pension from the Ministry of Defence - we receive £310 per year for each of these children.   


How do I apply for free-school meals so my child receives the Pupil Premium?


There is no harm in applying for free-school meals even if it ends up that your child is not eligible for them - after all, it is better that all families apply so the school receives the maximum amount of funding possible to help the children.  Please help us by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page to apply on-line - you will need your National Insurance number or Home Office number. 



Coronavirus Recovery Premium


The government has given schools Coronavirus Recovery Premium Funding to support pupils who have fallen behind in the pandemic. Full details of the DFE funding can be found here.


At Lee-on-the-Solent Infant and Nursery School we have been allocated £6,380 which can be used to support children from Reception to Year Two.


 How we intend to spend the grant:

  • We used the money to ensure we have a high level of staff in each year group unit so that teachers can personalise learning teaching at the point of learning thus maximising children's progress.
  • Personalised quality first Literacy teaching in speaking and listening, reading and writing for children achieving below age related expectation.


The effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school is assessed:


 Each half term at pupil progress and attainment meetings

  • End of term data analysis
  • End of year statutory assessment.
  • Qualify first teaching and high quality formative assessment.

Are you entitled to our Additional Learning Fund?


At Lee-on-the-Solent Infant and Nursery School we have an Additional Learning Fund (ALF) designed to support all children who are eligible for Free School Meals (not Universal Infant Free School Meals). The ALF provides those eligible with a school uniform pack, school trips free of charge and additional support where appropriate for as long they remain entitled to Free School Meals.


The uniform we offer in the Additional Learning Fund is:

  • 2x embroidered sweatshirts or cardigans (per year)
  • 1x book bag (Year R)


Applying for this fund enables us to claim Pupil Premium funding for your child to support them in their learning. 


To see if you are eligible please use the link below: 

The information below gives further details about our Pupil Premium strategy and funding.




The link below details how we spend our PE and Sports Premium.
